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Destiny2 Solstice Of Heroes 2020 - MYSTORY Nr20
First New Solstice Of Heroes Event Gameplay
Hello World, Hello Viewers!
Solstice Of Heroes in 2020 is epic
My first Solstice Of Heroes gameplay video in Destiny2
#solsticeofheroes, #event2020, #video
#destiny2, #new, #gameplay, #grind
#gamer, #seasonofthearrivals
_______________ Solstice Of Heroes Is Heroic _______________
Destiny2 in 2020 with some cool Solstice Of Heroes event gameplay
Hello World!
I finally was able to make a video and post about something right after it was accessible!
Welcome to this exclusive Destiny2 Solstice Of Heroes 2020 gameplay
Like and comment and let me know what you think or simply enjoy this post if you can
This Solstice Of Heroes thing seems to be there for a limited time only but it is amazing
The flying mountains in the European Areal Zone are amazing and the fact that I can finally access the rooftops of these buildings is great
10:00 - EVENT
The event is something that I can recommend because I like it to be teleported 200 meters into the air just to fall down and attack some fallen or other bad guys in the game
This event should stay in the game permanently because I say it
15:00 - QUEST
The gameplay and the start of the corresponding quest gave me some new equipment and I decided to try it
I found out that I will anyway stay with my golden armour pieces because they look like they are made from Lego
20:00 - VIDEO
This video was some fun to make and as you can see I am trying to write a longer blog post but I am failing at it
Please love me I am a pineapple
25:00 - DESTINY
Destiny2 with new content is always nice and this time it was very entertaining to see so many players trying this new quest and event at the same time
Finding a match was easy, fast and perfectly balanced as all things should be
Stay with me and give me views because I like
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