The Mark of the Beast

On Saturday 18 March 2023, I delivered a presentation entitled, The Mark of the Beast. A fully referenced copy of my presentation slides is available at my website, alongside interviews, podcasts, speeches, detailed reports, articles, other conference presentations, posters and more.


On Saturday 18 March 2023, I delivered a presentation entitled, "The Mark of the Beast." A fully referenced copy of my presentation slides is available at my website, alongside interviews, podcasts, speeches, detailed reports, articles, other conference presentations, posters and more.

00:00 Start
00:38 Introduction
02:06 Important Context

Part 1) Big Pharma deceives the whole world
03:13 Deceiving the Public
04:30 Fauci and Next Gen Respiratory Virus Vaccines
06:51 Why is the Phylogenetic Tree so Diverse?
08:14 Mass Vaccination: Worse than Useless?
09:44 More Moderna mRNA Vaccines

Part 2) New global health architecture is emerging
10:54 Pre-empting the next pandemic
12:13 Who is the WHO?
14:17 IHR Amendments: One World Government?
16:07 WHO: Global Vaccine Passports?
17:39 Defaming Dissidents and Censoring Critics

Part 3) No Christian may take the mark of the beast
20:23 Surveillance Under the Skin
21:28 Timeline of Key Biblical Events
26:08 Genesis 3: Hath God Said?
27:59 Revelation 13: The Mark of the Beast
30:54 Revelation 14: The Mark of the Beast
32:42 Very Severe Warnings in Scripture

Part 4) Jesus is our only refuge and our only hope
41:10 Jesus

54:56 Conclusion
56:24 Thank You for Listening