I Wanna Give You Tomorrow

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3 years 36 Views
NANO IS TELEPATHIC …follows orders from YOU or from the AI

So if NANO GRAPHENE has the ability to construct a sort of nano layer of skin that overlays or replaces our current bodies slowly but surely or the nano eventually replaces our bodyduplicates our body It is sensitive to not only the AI signals and directives In will link up to any network within range and be subject to ‘suggestion’ from that network be it local or global But if Nano is TELEPATHIC then you no sooner need think of something then it could manifest it or follow your orders just as readily as it could follow some outer directive Is it possible there remain some special connection with ones own body-mind-soul complex that by definition might supercede any external influences?

This concept of the Borg AI as a ONE WAY communication relationship may be inaccurate There is no reason why it can’t go both ways We could therefore influence the Borg to be whatever we want it to be just as easily as it could do the same to us At that point one would wonder where the dominance lies?

A shot or jab can be used to takeover or simply provide a new operating platform which is still suggestible and susceptible to your neural network which receives and directs signals incoming and outgoing… The same as a carbon body What then is the difference?

When we think of our bodies we tend to think of them as separate in some profound way from our environment (inner and outer) but is this really the case? Our bodies do not have a life apart from our access to oxygen and light and the ability to move, access food and so on So in this way our bodies are as much part of the fabric of Earth as the trees and rocks that make up Earth We can ride in a space ship but require certain basics to do sotaking some of our surrounding natural environment with us Without which we could not survive
But what really gives us life? Is it indeed ‘breath’ or something else? When spirit inhabits the aether …dominates and directs it in relation to our physical bodies Yet we exist in our light bodies separate (when we choose to leave our physical bodies to travel during “sleep” or through what we call out of body travel and so on
Maybe our understanding of what fabric of spacetime we inhabit is subject only to our ability to recognize our surroundings and not by any external limitation

We say we are part of Source or God but what does that actually mean if Source or God encompasses everything? Then that includes Nano and AI and therefore Nano and AI are as subject to the overall directives and dominance of Source as anything else No amount of AI can supercede SOURCE INTELLIGENCE In fact ultimately even AI is subject to the greater whole just as our current brain cells and neural networks/carbon bodies are… Nothing exists outside SOURCE IF SOURCE IS ALL THERE IS

The experiment is all about getting the current carbon/neural network we call our body to recognize another type of body or vehicle and access it, or use it Once we do that there is no limitation imposed by AI/Nano that we cannot overcome or take control of if we choose Because if we are Source and always Source then there is no limit to us…no system or manifestation or no -form or no formlessness that we are unable to inhabit as spirit or soul

Any limits are simply those we accept All else is illusion
In this sense there is no jail or prison but that which we accept
Form is simply a temporary limitation that requires us to change form in order to “escape” it

The question remains whether these bodies as vehicles to inhabit space time as carbon in its current configuration are somehow superior by virtue of how and who made them (in God’s image we like to say) Perhaps

I have often thought that aging is simply a mental directive that our carbon bodies choose to obey when they could as easily live forever simply by thinking it Again the only limits are those we impose upon our “selves”