Premiered Oct 3, 2021
In this video Dana goes over the contents of an incredible document that discusses what tactics 6OVERNMENTS have used to coerce behavior from its citizens for decades The documents‘ author was an expert on M1ND C0NTROL and shares what steps are FUNDAMENTAL in bringing about psychological compliance in people This history lesson you never had in school will shed great insights to arm you with deeper knowledge and understanding
Here is the document:
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Bitchute: https://wwwbitchutecom/channel/BkXp
Brighteon: https://wwwbrighteoncom/channels/da
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Contact Dana! Snail mail :)
Dana A
PO Box 3324
Blue Jay, CA 92317
Email: danaashlie@yahoocom
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Mr Patrick W00D and links to his work:
Technocracy News & Trends
Citizens For Free Sp33ch
Patrick W00d YouTube
Patrick W00d Facebook
Spir0‘s Channel on Bitchute and his video with Patrick:
Mercol@‘s interview with Patrick:
Products I personally use and live by
Must HAVE minerals (that replace metals):
Lugol‘s Solution 2 or 5% (protects against EMF radiation & so much more): https://amznto/2tuQWMg
Topical Magnesium https://amznto/2RwCqvr
Organic plant based mineral concentrate: https://amznto/3aqLOJF
Chlorophyl w/ amazing taste: https://amznto/2ucZNCx
OTHER ways I remove metals to stay healthy
1 I keep metals and poisons flowing OUT (more