Did Donald Trump really ignore Bill and Hillary Clinton at George Bush‘s recent Funeral? Did he also snub Barack and Michelle Obama and the Carters?
In this video, we‘ll analyze the body language and other communication in this incident so you can more fully understand what really transpired
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It appeared as if the funeral proceedings were actually about to begin when the Trumps entered the church, so it may have been difficult for Trump to greet each of the former presidents and their first ladies, without being somewhat disruptive to the solemn atmosphere
Also, he was seated at the very end of the row, so only had easy access to the Obamas to reach out a handshake
Did he have other options he could have employed to acknowledge those other couples? Yes He could have just walked quickly down the open row in front of those people, and offered his regards to each individually before returning to his seat
Or he possibly might have stood and waved discreetly toward the other two couples who he could not reach to offer his respects
While this episode may have been a missed opportunity for Trump to recognize those other presidents, there is not a lot of evidence that his behavior was an obvious or deliberate show of rudeness or even discourtesy
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