If you really wish to know how deep the rabbit hole goes .
Some of this will blow you away if you arnt aware.apologies for length,really really good show this one. Goes way back to Egyptian rulers/Italian/ Spanish etc etc .this information is very scary & true.this is why I often say on fb ,people don’t have a clue what’s really going on.
Talks about good subjects including the true agenda of guy Fawkes.so much info I couldn’t possibly name unless I took notes .lists the pecking orders of the pyramid.
All the 5 bloodlines running the show…)3ws are a front (a cloaking sheild to hide the true rulers. Gaslighted or what !!!
this all ends when Switzerland house of rothschilds falls.
Grey pope (Greg orsini).—-black pope (Adolfo Nicholas )etc.plus much much more.
November 25th, 2023.
((Sage of Quay™))
👉 This interview was originally uploaded to YouTube in July 2016 and removed on November 24, 2023 (7 years later).
Jamie Lee and Bruce Hillyer (RIP) discuss the Jesuits and the staggering level of power and control they possess and how that influence is used to bring about their world order of total domination.
🔗 Guest links:
https://aplanetruth.info https://avvi.info