The entire synthetic vitamin industry is a scam January 4, 2024

11 months 32 Views

Found this out about
12 month back. Hence I went Irish Sea moss/shilajit and other natural sources.
((Our Free Society))
FINALLY a video explaining why vitamins are bad for us. I started to have my suspicious that the evils were buying all of these vitamin companies up back in around 2016. Then a few years ago I began to suspect they controlled the entire holistic industry because NDs are much better yes, but they NEVER talk about poisonous vaccines, mold, and they want you to take supplements for the rest of your life just like the MDs tell you that you have to take toxic drugs for the rest of your life.
Then a couple of few years ago I began to suspect they actually owned all of the manufacturing plants or something.
So, Im STILL on the fence about iodine if anyone has any real PROOF.