January 4, 2024
((Our Free Society))
Sorry for the delay on this, Im still trying to get settled.
I dont care what anyone says, I dont believe for one minute that Israhell did this because their policy is to kill everyone, even hostages.
I also dont believe they did this because they lost control of the situation. GIVE ME A BREAK. Israelis are trained from the minute they are 17 or 18, and are you trying to tell me the grown men just fumbled not once, but over and over again???
This is no different than the lies about 911. It was an INSIDE JOB and the evils are behind it.
Im still unsure if they did it to genocide the PALs or to create fear within Israhell, OR to get the world to hate Israhell which is what Im SURE is the evils plan all along. Of course Ill go for all 3.