Where is the Line Between GOOD & EVIL? - After Skool

Kristall Photo

2 years 24 Views
⁣When we demonize something in the external world, we reveal a void in our own psyche When we try to dehumanize another or villainize something, we only reveal our own ignorance When we promote shame, blame and punishment, we reveal just how little we know about our own inner demons and our nature

The ones who are able to look within themselves and separate their true essence from their ego will stand as a beacon of hope for others The ones who can emancipate themselves from ideology, tribalism, the fixation with external enemies and look within their own heart, with humility and honesty, will emerge with a heightened awareness This is the beginning of freedom

This video features quotes from Jordan Peterson (author and psychologist), Alan Watts (philosopher), Eckhart Tolle (author), Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn (author) and Carl Jung (psychologist) Thank you so much for watching this video Your time is greatly appreciated If you like this video and want to help create more, please consider supporting After Skool on Patreon https://wwwpatreoncom/AfterSkool Visit our site at https://wwwafterskoolnet/ - We also have a newsletter Check out the new After Skool prints! after-skoolcreator-springcom Or send us an email at afterskool100@gmailcom

This Content Is Mirrored Please support the original creator All credit, royalties and sincere thanks to the original source of this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=raJn6guy-uQ - January 18, 2022

Where is the Line Between GOOD & EVIL? | After Skool

Where is the Line Between GOOD & EVIL, After Skool, January 18 2022