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It's All a Bit Odd Really...

This is a wild-card pulled out of an even wilder pack.

It breaks a few rubriks but not with too much regret, I confess. You see there were a number of prescriptions required to make this discombobulated back-of-a-fag-packet 'flick' and many of the parameters clashed. Y'know like the BEEB reports that babies, women an' ol' men are doing against the mos' molly-coddled gangsters in the world. 

One of the objectives you'll have guessed bein' the cyber-sophisticates that y'all are, is to launch da offishle website: 

Now it may all look normal ta those wid tarnished pineals, but never let a good crisis go ta waste, right... Slow I may be but I'm learnin' from da best out der (Rahm Imanuel, ya know son of Hagganna Gang that formalised all'at sh... out there where it an' they, don't be long).

This video won' cut it, neither will the renderings really, but the actual build Q and level of engineering, now that's sumpin' a bit special - as is the 'ergonometrics'. 

I'm wit da Mandalorian on dis wun, "This is the Way!"

There's a whole cunnin' plan behin' these smatterings of bourgoisnomics (let's face it, if'n the fat-kuntrollas had their way havin' a kennel would be a luxury fer da proletariat - without our 'labour' and ingenuity they wud hav' nuthin'). If the spirit lords out there raise a glass we may even plant a dart in EF Schumachers board - stranger things have happened, and none so strange as what Galloway refers to as 'The Plank o' Wood' wots been foisted on ya ta run da kuntry no less. Run the kuntry, RUN THE KUNTRY, that a...e can barely speak Inglish - well any that makes sense to me and that I'd care to listen to - da on'y thing he's gonna run is the country into the ground. 

Just like that lunartik Millais these psycho's 'r gonna chew up what's left o' their presidential fiefdoms (which rightly belongs to the commons equally and none other, and that without the "1 for you, and 666000 for me" debauchery, ta veri much). 

Hungry Ghosts them all - and that's the point, these 'peeple' are demons in human form. They have insatiable appetites and they want everyone else to pay for their trip into the infintely entropic abyss - the same one that Jack Parsons, Crowley, R.L. Hubbard, Anton Le Vey and almost every leader in the 'western' world have their collective proboscii troughed into. 

'Ma bruthus' (in the mold of Alex in the prophetik Clockwork Orange), IT IS TIME!!!

In fact its long been time actually.

My advice, make moves an' make 'em now. Lot's of us ain' got da wherewithal to do it solo, so get together, you're gonna hav'ta find trust and honesty sumwer down the line - bkuz, I imagine in short days, already arrived for many livin' on the streets, in 'Liverpool Care Pathway' wards, for the elderly and any country sittin' on resources, it's already here.

It was all bull ta start with anyways, the Rockerfellers, J.P. Morgan, Flexner (1910). Millgram, Kinsey, Fraud, Bernays an' an en'less litany of low-life Turnkote Truman types. They ruined it fer us all, an' they used our labour to do it.

'Never Again!'

There are times in history that define us all.

Hope the penny has dropped for the conformists, informants, useful minions and social climbers - "If thay wannit sun, it ain' no gud for anywun who knows their uniuns". 

Now's da time 'Ma bruthus' and of course 'Ma sista's too', for where would we be without their nurturing and forbearance. Yes, I'm livin' in a different time, yes, I'm ol'skool an' believe and practice 'classical virtue' (after decades o' errors and entrainment, make no mistake, but let me be explicit here... for a mo' - after all the back stabbing, small minded exploitation, manipulation, posturing and opportunism that I've been subjekt to one of my greatest satisfaktions has always been, 'Do wot thou wilt oh sophists of cynicism and diminishing oblivion - but like you will I NEVER be').

That's my Credo anyways, an' it looks like soulful Nate, an' many others takin' fire 'cross the waters and even on the cold-souled streets o' Blighty puttin' humanity above nihilism - not a difficult choice really, but I guess it is if ya lack a brain, a spine an' th'moral fiba ta go widit.

'Til our nex' Rondaivoo then!'

Tatty-Bye ['n wochya bak wileyeratit].
