Nature - Antarctica

Nature Photo

2 years 95 Views
⁣You ‘creatures‘ picked the wrong generation to fuck with It never once occurred to you in your total self serving, dominating arrogance that -We don‘t want your shitty, dangerous, killer, fertility damaging, experimental quackccines We don‘t want your vile discriminatory, segregational passport system nor your Stepford wife like social credit system We don‘t join cults We aren‘t germaphobes We know how to read statistics We know how to think for ourselves and we know what narcissistic abuse looks like We don‘t want to be China We know the Law and lay claim our human birth rights Frankly we‘re moving on without you The trance like hypnotic suggestion and brainwashing just didn‘t take with us We aren‘t of a fluoride stare, TV level adolescent mindset who falls prey to drama and peer pressure, so you can prance around with your drooling, repetitive, embarrassing and flailing advertising campaign all you like but to us it just reeks of desperation and shows us just what pathological liars you truly are as well as highlighting the pathetic sell-outs who have sold their souls to the trans human agenda, but good luck with that You are going to need it