Full Metal Ox Day 1034
Friday, 29 December 2023
Apocalypse Year Episode 1099
Moving the Finish Line
This is popularly known as "moving the goal posts," but I prefer the race analogy, because the people race never really ends. Theres always the encouragement to do more to get more. They will make more and then entice you to work, (expend your energy) harder and longer to chase that diamond encrusted carrot.
The strategy is the make us more terrified, lower our frequency, drive us into substance dependency, drain our energy and ultimately, depopulate.
Thats the view from my simulation and I rebel accordingly.
Two take-aways. First, the race never ends, thats death. Two, the race only exists if you decide to play the conspicuous consumption game. The rare human who can discipline his/her desire for "stuff" (and all its trappings) can avoid the metaphorical race and all the damage it does.
Often, after rambling on, there comes opportunity for analysis. I put it here. The THEY are changing the game because too many players have figured it out. Its a fraud, and to "win" requires more than skill at a certain level. It requires the soul.
"Now youse cant leave."
The red shoes keep on dancing.
After this ramble, he hit the monkey bars. It was very different. It felt different. But you can see for yourself.
Save journey travellers. Strength and power warriors.
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Million dollar Crypto fund raiser.
YouTube: The Fitness Journey: Were currently preparing for the winter bulking season. Its our intention to bulk muscle, slowly & continue to shred fat. I doesnt get crazy cold down here so we expect our outdoor activity to continue. Follow for tips, strategies, results, evals, and adjustments.
Off to a Good Start
Episode 001
Merry Fitness Christmas
Park Session 01
Friday Bars Special Edition
Hitting the Wall
Episode 156
Stronger All Over
Episode 155
Park Session 26 - 2 Miler
Burpees and Barwalks Session 37
Half Double 6x6
Episode 153
Breaking Barriers
Episode 152
New Suspension Mov