Julian Assange is an CIA / Mossad puppet He thinks that 9/11 is not important anymore and that people should focus on more recent conspiracies
Quote Julian Assange, Holberg Debate, Saturday, December 2nd 2017
On the 9/11 issue generally, I don‘t think it is particularly important In a sense that every day or every few weeks, Wikileaks and some other publishers publish proof of very serious existing conspiracies that are happening right now or just a couple of years ago In order to start wars or steal billions of dollars These things I think can have more over a change There‘s a certain view in relation to 9/11 that it‘s some kind of holy grail that would shake the existing order of things, but I don‘t think it would, even if it came out that there were some rogues, ehh rogue agents involved
9/11 - CGI Or Real Planes
In The Name Of Zion (Full Documentary)
EUROPA: The Last Battle (Full Documentary)