#31 What are Samskaras with Yogi Amandeep Singh

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3 years 11 Views
Namaste welcome to shamans shed Today I am talking with Yogi Amandeep Singh taking an in depth look into mental patterns known in the Hindu and Vedic traditions as Samskaras He is a a healer and teacher of Eastern spirituality and a regular speaker on international stages and Television with topics such as Healing, Non-duality (Advait), Mysticism, Zen, , Mindfulness, Yoga, Meditation and Self- realization He is a master and scholar of Kundalini practices and holds retreats and classes all over the world from Vancouver to India I am delighted to welcome Yogi Amandeep Singh to Shamans shed

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Yogi Amandeep Singh‘s website: https://wwwyogiamandeepsinghcom Yogi Amandeep Singh‘s

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