# 6 Talk with Darren le Baron - psilocybin spirituality sustainable living and more

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# 6 Talk with Darren le Baron | psilocybin, spirituality, sustainable living and more

Today I am speaking to the creator of Youtube channel Darren le Baron, he is a teacher, researcher and public speaker He is a qualified horticulturist and permaculture teacher He is also a mentor and positive inspiration to young people from tough backgrounds and environments He set up his own charitable organisation Ancient future in 2006 and set up many other projects based in the arts and African-Caribbean history and culture He is an advocate of psychedelics and their use to treat people as a form of healing but more notably as a doorway to spiritual realisation and to lift the veil on the lost wisdom of ancestors He was inspired by and has taught beside the late Kilindi A modern day Shaman, mycologist and instructor of martial arts Like kilindi Darren le Baron is a responsible educator and advocate of psilocybin, his research has been heard at the psychedelic conference ‘breaking convention’ the ‘entheogenic conference’ and many more The spreader of spores We welcome Darren le Baron to Shaman’s shed

Link to Darren Le Baron: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCkr76UsTlLCsJdCNTqQNaQ

Website: https://wwwdarrenlebaroncom

Awesome Talk at ‘Breaking Convention’

Link for Kilindi: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ejdKeghBhNs&t=315s

#psychedelics #psilocybin #magic mushrooms