- The Dolls With Attitude by Naoya Yamaguchi - Japan Comedy, Horror Short Film Viddsee

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9 months 15 Views

Weird in a good sense... it is addressing something so common in the modern society - faces (or masks) we are wearing... it reminded me of the Allan Watts lecture of "What is a person?"...

"Here is a person", he said and showed us a mask... "A person is originally...", he continued "... an actors mask. Whether for an ordinary dramatic performance or a ritual performance... and in the Greco-Roman world these masks were called PERSONA! For the word per-sona means that through which there comes sound... and those old masks, as they were made for the Greco-Roman stage had mouthpieces that were shaped like a megaphone, rather wide mouths..."
Watch this short and tell me if there is a connection for you, too!