All troop movement clips I could find compiled into one vid. (with a great song)


People were loosing their shit about this a while back.  (half a year, or something like that.)

I expressed my view that this is a nothingburger in the comments back then, and I was correct.  Its good to remember people about the fact that the fearpr0n-pushers NEVER admit or apologize for the things they falsely claim and what they do to people mental states.

Remember the thing about the FEMA alert not that long ago? The fearpr0n pushers claimed that the vaxxed would get fried by a signal, or turn into marburg zombies, etc. NONE of them admitted that they did that, or that they have been wrong. They just went on to the next thing frightening their viewers, who are so dull that they dont start questioning if channels like that are a good source for information, or if they get frightened for no other reason than some people without morals wanting More clicks.

Think about that for a second.