A law is the opinion of one man or a group of men forced upon you at the barrel of a gun That‘s it Nothing more
Your Government are Lawless TERRORISTWe are at war, and the sooner you wrap your brains around that fact, the better off you will be INVISIBLE RESISTANCE TO TYRANNY by Jefferson Mack http://wwwearthlyfirefliesorg/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/Jefferson-Mack-Invisible-Resistance-to-Tyrannypdf A Proper March is when the People March in and VIOLENTLY Remove the Criminally Retarded Running GovernmentThis All ENDS when Good People Unite and Exercise Brutal Deadly FORCE and Remove these Tyrant Public Servants How Long will YOU wait? They Grow stronger every day YOU delayOxford English Dictionary-((((Terrorism))))-Defined-1 Government by intimidation as directed and carried out by the party in power Evil People Rule the WorldOnce You Understand that,Your Future is ClearYou will either Destroy Them,Or They Will Destroy You What are YOU going to Do about it? We shall have no real hope of the surviving the enemies arranged against us until we hang the traitors lurking among us (Thomas Paine)The Only Thing Necessary for the Triumph of Evil is that Good Men Do Nothing The sin of doing nothing is One of the deadliest of all the seven sinsFreedom is not Given Freedom is TAKEN by DEADLY FORCE Blind thy Enemy with mace,wasp spray,bear spray then split their Evil Skull with a lawn mower BladeFight the Good fight People,as Your Children are Depending on YOU If You Believe You can Plead or Negotiate with Your Satanic Sodomite Child Raping OVERLORDS You are Completely DELUSIONAL,a Cuck,a moronic Coward going through the ‘stage‘ of DENIAL in Your Cuck fucked Mentality Show us (1) example in Your Deranged view of History where that happenedYour ONLY option is Fight or FlightWAKE UP PEOPLEWAKE UP NOW RISE UP NOWKarma is a dish best served piping hotWhat happens when the citizens wise up and start burning the police officers homes down while the cops are out and about during the day abusing their neighbors and citizens for their satanic child raping lunatic overlords? Asking for a friendSharing is Caringshare everywherethe time is NOW for the people to plot and plan and Take a STAND In the Near Future,becoming a Cop killer will be a Badge of Honor DEBATE is OVERTime to SLAY the Wicked is NOW