How to function after an awakening

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⁣How to function after your awakening

Shane‘s General Guide To Enlightening People [Awaken Your Friends and Family the RIGHT way] https://youtube/UgD3FwocHr8

Awaken Your Friends and Family
Red Pilling – A General Guide To Enlightening People

Chapter 1: Tactics – Techniques – Procedures
Sometime soon, a friend or a family member is going to approach you and discuss what they are seeing in the news
Ask, Don’t Tell

The Socratic Method of questioning is used as part of the awakening process Using questioning to pursue thought, enables a person to explore complex ideas, opens up issues and problems, uncovers assumptions, concepts get analyzed, and gets them to the truth

Because the person searches for the answers themselves, they are more likely to believe it

This method will bypass cognitive dissonance!!!

Open Minds Gradually
Coax them in the right direction The last thing you want is to bludgeon them with too much information This will traumatize them and they will lose faith in anything else you say to them Focus on things that won’t scare them off

Here Is A List Of Red Pills That Are Easy To Swallow:
Elites blackmail people to do perverse things so they can have dirt on them to keep them in line Dirt can be sex, fraud, corruption, etc
Elites have the best medical technology They think that harvesting young blood can help extend their lifespan, and improve their health Here are a few examples: Example 1, Example 2, Example 3
Elites have everything they can dream of Where do people who have everything get their thrills? Taboo and perverse activity
The CIA is corrupt The CIA funds itself using criminal activity in the drug trade, and sex trafficking – yes, even of children

Ease Them Into It Using Memes
If you want to use memes to red pill, there are a few ways to do this

Comedy just sticks Most people browse social networks for the funny memes This tactic works best when you hijack something universally known, or actual/big events
Question the viewer Sometimes literally, but visually is best You need to make people think they found out something themselves in the big sea of the internet It’s the best way to plant an idea
Sometimes a scary or shocking meme is what is needed to get people thinking We’re not talking gore here, but more like the Marina Abramovic spirit cooking and/or Podesta art are good examples

The first stage of red pill awakening is denial Some of the cardinal truths of the red pill, female hypergamy, solipsism, blame shifting, and the female penchant for manipulation and deception, are often what triggers the worst reactions when introducing a man to the red pill The realization that if the red pill is true, then it follows that he was to blame for many of his issues, it has little to do with women, who are just acting out their social and biological programming in a predictable way If introduced to game prior to much of the red pill theory, game will often be rejected as being manipulative, deceitful, immoral and many other things, as the enabling power of game alone shatters illusions

I’ve seen many men react in this manner when first introduced to game and pick-up material, because one of their core principles is that “Women must be courted” When they first see a person proficient in game pulling same night lays in a consistent manner, this reality is unknown and seems manipulative to them Secondly, his respect for women will probably take a nosedive initially, as he stops putting them on a pedestal, and starts to view them in a more reality-oriented manner Thirdly, many blue pill men are unwilling to view the woman as an agent who is engaging in her natural programming, they instead lambast the other male for acting in a non-honorable manner Men are not made in a manner where they hold a woman accountable to the same level as a man, to do so would shatter their illusions of the feminine

The denial can be caused by many unconscious perspectives, from accepting that they are from nature worth nothing, and that their entire value to the world is a function of their accomplishments That they must undertake grand demonstrations of worth, build value and earn what women are granted for merely existing That no woman will ever love him as he dreams of being loved, and that they are in fact incapable of such love The fact that his life, will be constant work and performance if he wants to realize his desires, and that everything he was told he could have only comes as a result of hard work

The second stage of being exposed to red pill philosophy is frequently anger Some manifest anger at womanhood in general for the duplicitous sexual strategy of “Alpha Fucks/Beta Bucks“, others at fathers for not “raising them right“, or the world for not informing them When a man is presented with evidence that most of the resources he spent towards getting laid, and much of the associated frustration when she just wanted to be friends after 11 dates with no sex, are easily explained He triggered her provider instinct and thus she put off sex while deciding if she was ready to settle down Anger is a natural reaction, both at himself, at women and at the society that told him that he was doing the right thing for his goal, but that misled him

It was a case of the principal and the agent, where he was raised not to be someone’s one night stand, but the man his mother wanted his father to be His social programming has been one that sets him up to realize the worst possible deal for himself, but the best one possible for the woman and the social group In this manner, he may find himself experiencing feelings of being deceived, not only by the society without a face, but also by those in which he has the most trust

Perhaps the most sinister is the realization that much like the unknowing population of the Matrix, that were slowly being drained of bio-energy to power other creatures, the man within the blue pill framework is slowly being drained of his energy to enable and power the society to which he belongs

The bargaining stage is perhaps the most interesting, this is the realm of the purple pill, where fully aware of the depths of red pill philosophy, the man staunchly refuses to let go of the fantasy offered by the blue pill The soul-mate, the partner with whom he can finally drop the performance burden, all pretense and just be himself Yet, he is painfully aware that this is in fact a carrot presented by society to ensure that he serves his role as useful appliance

In the bargaining stage the man commonly rationalizes his cognitive dissonance, through idealization or arguments to exception Outlining that the woman he has found to be his perfect soul-mate is actually the exception that proves the rule, or for some reason is different from other women The fact that this is classic idealization and a trait of blue pill thinking appears to escape notice, through various bias

The bargaining stage is a challenge, as the dream of the blue pill is deeply ingrained in most men as is the fantasy that is spoon-fed to most throughout their childhood

Depression hits predictably and comes from the fact that “unplugging” requires that all former fantasies must be discarded as just that Being a red pill man, in no way means that a wife or a long-term relationship must be rejected, however it means in fact an increased performance burden rather than a lesser one Once locked in a long-term relationship, especially one where the parties are living with each other, means constantly having to be aware of shit tests and maintaining an alpha frame Furthermore, it means that the man also must accept the performance burden increase caused by now being the sole accountable party for both himself and his partner

For a man who was sold the fantasy of a relationship without the performance burden as the ultimate reward from the world for his good behavior, the reality of the situation is often unexpected It is not uncommon for the man to regress into the bargaining stages, and intermittent visits to anger At this point, the awakening appears more like staring into an abyss as one faces down the monster, and reevaluates every aspect of one’s philosophy

The acceptance of the red pill is a constant decision that must be affirmed, it is very easy to slip back into comfortable patterns As many who have gone on diets or started exercise programs know, it takes much longer to build a habit than to for it to break down Accepting the red pill means that the man accepts that he will always be expected to be the caretaker and enabler of women, at his own expense The rejection of this unstated foundation of civilization will often result in social backlash A man who elects to live for his own betterment, rather than that of women and his social group may suffer large amounts of scorn and derision From “Peter Pan” to “Boy-Man” he may expect that his life choices will be scrutinized heavily by those closest to him

One must bear in mind that most people are heavily invested in blue pill conditioning, especially the men who are most invested in it and the women who rely most heavily on it The Western Romantic narrative is one of fairly recent invention, yet it has gained a remarkable amount of traction in few years

Anger is the force that will drive through the barriers of bargaining, depression and to the goal of acceptance A point in which most of the work still is a head of him as he starts rebuilding himself and his mind to embrace the new philosophy Perhaps the greatest red herring in this race will be the belief that without the blue pill utopia his life will be a series of meaningless, but sexually fulfilling experiences with a variety of women Where he may never become a father, or partner and otherwise his dreams of the house and white picket fence have to be left behind

This is not the case, in fact the red pill perspective is what facilitates this in reality, rather than purely as an illusion The divorce rate in the Western World is around 50%, which means that those men who follow the path told by the cultural and social narrative have a mere 50% chance of a long-term relationship that does not end in divorce Furthermore, of the remaining 50, how many are living lives of quiet desperation as they struggle to finance lifestyles beyond their means, while balancing the duties that come with fatherhood, with being a partner and their own needs?

From Candles in the Dark:

1 The Mirror*
When talking to those who still believe that political “authority” is legitimate and necessary, it can be easy to assume that the entire problem resides inside their heads, but that is not the case No matter how philosophically correct you are, unless you can first understand and control your own psychology, the likelihood of having a useful discussion with someone else on the topic is slim to none
* no relation to The Mirror
2 The Goal
When most people argue, they just throw ideas at each other, usually accomplishing nothing If you want to communicate effectively, you need to have a specific goal in mind when talking to someone, and just as importantly, you need to have a way to determine if you achieved that goal—if you accomplished anything by talking to the other person
3 The Wedge
When you talk to someone who has fundamentally different views than yours, it is natural for the conversation to quickly turn into a combative argument where it’s “you against them” If that happens, the likelihood of anyone’s mind changing is slim to none Candles in the Dark teaches a fundamentally different way to communicate, putting you on the same “side” as the person you are talking to
4 The Void
How many times have statists responded to your simple, clear explanations with weird evasions, random tangents, and other things that made it seem like they either weren’t listening, or were too stupid to understand even the most basic concepts and principles? After this session of Candles in the Dark, you will know why that happens so often, and more importantly, how to avoid it
5 The Obstacle Course
A lot of Candles in the Dark is about what not to do: all the ways in which you can accidentally sabotage your own efforts When you use the method correctly, it can look and feel so simple and obvious, but first you need to know all the things to not do—all the ways in which human psychology (yours and theirs) can quickly make a friendly chat into a fruitless, uncomfortable argument
6 The Punch Line
No, you don’t need to lecture everyone and educate them on twenty different topics You only need them to see and abandon one particular lie There are many ways to get there, but the end goal is very fundamental and simple, and this final session of Candles in the Dark will give you a number of specific lines of questioning to use to get there
Communicate Liberate

Deprogramming is the more drastic of the two approaches because it usually involves an initial kidnapping to get the cult member away from the cult For this reason, deprogramming is a very expensive service It can cost in the tens of thousands of dollars After the forced removal, deprogramming mostly involves hours and hours of intense debriefing, during which a team of deprogrammers hold the cult member against his will and use ethical psychological techniques to try to counter the unethical psychological techniques used by the cult The goal is to get the cult member to think for himself and re-evaluate his situation Debriefing methods can include:

educating the cult member on thought-reform techniques and helping him to recognize those methods in his own cult experience
asking questions that encourage the cult member to think in a critical, independent way, helping him to recognize that type of thinking and praising him for it
attempting to produce an emotional connection to his former life by introducing objects from his past and having family members share their memories of his pre-cult existence
­ Deprogramming was relatively common in the 1970s, but has fallen out of favor as an acceptable cult-removal method, partly because it‘s so expensive, partly because it involves kidnapping and imprisonment and partly because that kidnapping and imprisonment led to a lot of lawsuits over the years Now, most families turn to exit counselors Exit counseling leaves out the kidnapping and focuses instead on employing psychological techniques that might get the cult member to voluntarily submit to debriefing Exit counselors guide the family in the most effective ways to get a cult member to communicate with outsiders Family members must be non-judgmental, calm and loving, or else they‘ll only reinforce the belief that all outsiders are bad and dangerous If they succeed, and the cult member agrees to participate in the process, what happens next is essentially the same debriefing that occurs during deprogramming, with long sessions that take place over a number of days, but the cult member is free to leave

There‘s is no guarantee that any cult-removal technique will work Some sources say that at least one-third of deprogrammings fail, and there are no definitive statistics on the success rate of exit counseling But when it does work, the cult member finds himself back in the outside world -- with a whole new set of problems People who leave a totalist cult can suffer from a laundry list of psychological problems Some common ones include depression, anxiety, paranoia, guilt, rage and constant fear They may have difficulty thinking clearly, making decisions, analyzing situations and performing everyday activities like picking out something to wear or going to the store to buy groceries Psychologist Michael Langone describes a common post-cult state he calls floating, in which the former member goes back and forth from cult to non-cult ways of viewing the world stalled in a foggy, ‘in-between‘ state of consciousness

Not everybody is psychologically damaged by a cult experience Some go on with their lives after a relatively short adjustment period But most people who have undergone thought reform suffer negative consequences when they leave the insulated environment of the cult It can take years for a former cult member to readjust to life on the outside Some people never completely return to their pre-cult level of functioning But in most cases, counseling and family support can go a long way toward recovery

For more information on destructive cults and related topics, including links to organizations that help people who‘ve been hurt by cult involvement, check out the links below


⁣⁣The 5 Stages of Awakening [Repost from ⁣15 May 2021]

How To Wake Up Brainwashed People (The Right Way)

The 5 Phases of Deprogramming

How to wake up Brainwashed people [The right way]
https://youtube/ppx0YE-rAcs Kacper Maciej Postawski

The 5 Stages of Awakening [Repost from ⁣15 May 2021]

How to Take the Red Pill(s)? TridentLion