I am pleased to announce that the site is completly stable now and is running at peak performance. Thank you for your patience and understanding whilst we worked on this issue.
From the album ‘Metatron’
Streaming, download or physical CD available at Bandcamp
Lucky Larry makes investments for the benefit of mankind
Lucky Larry’s lizard skin needed dermatologic me-time
Drinking coffee everyday
But not on that eventful day
Just like the others got the memo Mosshiach plans underway
Ooh the promised land so ripe ours for the taking
Ooh Temple ready Moshiach resurrection
Monoliths come tumbling down
World chaos underway now
Satanic ritual in plane sight
A parasitic attack
Orange man well bad
Zion Don Goyshiach Maga
Jesus lead the flock of Christcucks
To the promised land